BIGG has recently commenced two new long-term pasture programs thanks to funding from the Federal Government's Future Drought Fund:
Multi-species perennial pastures
This trial project was sown at Matt Neldner's (pictured) Marananga property in late July with the aim to determine the productivity of perennial based multi-species pastures. The trial treatments range from a simple multi-species mix (2 species) to a highly diverse mix (12 species). Over the next few years, the trial will be assessed for dry matter production, pasture quality, species composition and groundcover.
Pasture recovery
Focused on the pasture recovery benefits associated with deferred grazing and containment feeding, the two treatment groups are located at Keyneton Station and Wootoona. At each location, one of the paddocks has been heavily grazed prior to the break with lower ground cover and feed on offer, whilst the other paddock has high ground cover and retained dry feed on offer. The trial aims to show, following the break in the season, the increased feed on offer and better species composition associated with containment feeding through maintaining FOO and ground cover.