Governance Structure

BIGG is a community driven network that has its origins from five existing local producer groups; Angaston Ag Bureau, Koonunga Ag Bureau, Mt Pleasant Beef Group, North Rhine Sheep Group and the Barossa Mid North Dairy Discussion Group.

BIGG operates through a board, which consists of producer and industry representatives who provide strategic direction for BIGG. In 2019 It became an incorporated association.

Current BIGG Board Members are:

  • Peter Mitchell, Chair
  • Julian Maul, Vice Chair
  • Sarah Weaver, Treasurer
  • Vic Patrick
  • Leon Deans
  • Laura Baker
  • Adam Burford
  • Taryn Mangelsdorf

The Board is supported by the Executive Officer, Communications Officer and Technical Facilitators to manage and coordinate BIGG projects in conjunction with our funding partners.


BIGG Strategic Plan 2024-26

Developed for 2024_2026

BIGG Inc. Constitution

Version 1 Developed in 2019