Barossa Improved Grazing Group (BIGG) was well represented at LambEx, held 7-9 August at Adelaide Convention Centre. Thanks to a generous donation from the former 'Lower North Lamb Group' BIGG subsidised tickets for six Barossa producers and industry representatives, and three students to attend.
Attracting a record-breaking crowd of more than 1,500 delegates from across Australia, LambEx is a festival of all things sheep and lamb showcasing the sheep industry including lamb producers, graziers, wool growers, processors, exporters and industry members.
Lambex’s full and inspiring three-day program promised to ‘Aspire, Innovate, Advocate’ and proved to deliver by taking the BIGG attendees on a journey of 'big picture' thinking with new perspectives, ideas and the latest innovations shared and discussed.
University of Adelaide Agricultural Science student, Lydia Semmler said “the adaptability of systems and people alongside changes of the globe, was a great highlight explored during panel sessions and speaker presentations”.
Lydia added; “The attendance of this conference allowed me to learn about the complexity of sheep industries within Australia such as the knock on effect that market changes interstate have on South Australian and other Australian producers; key drivers of market price; the importance of continually telling the story of Australian producers; transparency going forward; and new and emerging technologies such as bioharvesting for wool”.
BIGG maintained a strong presence throughout the three days, with representation at the Ag Excellence Alliance exhibit stand providing an opportunity to share BIGG’s latest projects and research with producers and other industry stakeholders.
BIGG’s Executive Officer Alexi Kentish said attending LambEx was a unique opportunity to be a part of a gathering of people from all areas of the Lamb Industry.
“We were able to discuss and learn about a range of subjects including climate change, market opportunities and production of a quality product. What a special experience!” said Alexi.
LambEx will return to South Australia in 2026.
BIGG attendees at LambEx 24.